“Overall (a) highly relevant and interactive day, which I feel will definitely help with interviews, etc.” – Specialist Registrar
We are proud to have been involved in more than 50 different Healthcare projects over the past 14 years. The majority of these projects have been related to leadership and management, often using theatre to look at unexpected obstacles to, as well as unexpected consequences of change. We have worked in particular for the NHS Modernisation Agency (now the NHS Improvement) and, since 2006, we have been a regular part of the highly-praised leadership training programme offered by the Wessex and Oxford NHS Deaneries.
Historically, we have worked at every level of the NHS, from small teams of community nurses to the All-Party Parliamentary Health Group, from seminars on dementia counselling to national conferences introducing new NHS policies.
Our most recent Healthcare interventions have been part of a year-long programme led by Ashridge Consulting, for which we have contributed 12 training days for senior Nurses and Midwives from Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
We are currently in the process of developing an exciting new programme about the future of the NHS for Southwest Leadership Live.
Our interventions are never just a flash in the pan. When a senior NHS consultant looks back on her leadership training years from now, our courses will stand out for clarity, inspiration and usefulness.
We currently deliver the following two courses regularly; please click on the name of the course for more detailed information, costs and booking details.
An Introduction to Service Improvement
A full-day course, which offers a refreshing look at what Service Improvement means and how to (and how not to) make a project proposal, using a combination of performance pieces from Big Wheel presenters and the application of relevant theory to allow delegates to work through practical steps using real-life examples.
Personal Impact
A full-day course providing practical challenges that help delegates find their own style in making the most effective impact, in a range of professional contexts. Our presenters offer tools for more confident personal presentation, as well as the opportunity to workshop work-related scenes using theoretical learning from the day.
In addition, we have regularly delivered a wide variety of programmes for the NHS, including work in the following areas:
Community Care; Compassion; Continuing Care; Critical Care; Dignity; End of Life Care; Expert Patients; Foundation Status: Inspections and Rating; Health Care Acquired Infections; Healthy Communities; Hospital Discharge Planning; I.C.T. / Patient Record; Mental Health; Multi-Agency Cooperation; Nurse Leadership; PACS; Patient Confidentiality; Patient Rights; SAS Doctors; The Structure of NHS Institutions.
For more information about any of our Healthcare work or to talk through an idea you may have for a project, please contact us.